Sugar, ah-ah, honey, honey! That song by the Monkees was what I thought of when I saw this mug. It's so cute!
This is the perfect gift for any Tea or Coffee Lover. It's a sweet present for anyone, anytime! A great gift idea for him or her.
This cup design is professionally printed and sublimated onto the mugs which will not crack, peel or wash away. Dishwasher and microwave safe. Packaged, and shipped from the USA.
Please note that due to different color settings on computers, mobile phones and tables, print color may vary slightly from the image shown.
15 oz. size
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Sugar, ah-ah, honey, honey! That song by the Monkees was what I thought of when I saw this mug. It's so cute!
This is the perfect gift for any Tea or Coffee Lover. It's a sweet present for anyone, anytime! A great gift idea for him or her.
This cup design is professionally printed and sublimated onto the mugs which will not crack, peel or wash away. Dishwasher and microwave safe. Packaged, and shipped from the USA.
Please note that due to different color settings on computers, mobile phones and tables, print color may vary slightly from the image shown.
15 oz. size